How Do I Rank Websites on the First Page of Google?

Last Updated on September 10, 2024 by Richard Martin Linga

How do SEO Experts rank websites of their clients on the First Page of Google? With SEO services, it helps your business to gain more organic traffic to your website and grow your brand awareness. However, many business owners aren’t sure of how to rank their website on Google.

Proven Strategies for Websites to Get on the First Page of Google

I use multiple SEO techniques, tools and strategies to find and optimize keywords that will drive traffic to your website.

1. Essential Keyword and Topic Research to Get on the First Page of Google

Each of SEO campaign starts with keyword research & SEO analysis. It providers you the data of keywords with potential customers are typing in on Google when they search. Not every keyword will be relevant and included in the final optimization list. I will group keywords based on topics and relevancy and will map them to existing pages or create new one.


Data Analytics company with an average deal size of $100,000 and 9-month sale cycle wants to optimize their homepage and be visible on search engines. Its target is English speaking countries are searching for “data analytics.” 

Keyword analysis revealed that “data analytics” is a generic term that does not have a buyer intent and is searched by students and people who want to know what data analytics is. Ranking on the first page of Google for “data analytics” will be very difficult to achieve and traffic will have a very low conversion rate.

Your targets would be searching for keywords like “data analytics companies” or “data analytics services,” which will be our goal. The suggested keyword list for optimization will include the following keywords:

Extensive Keyword and Topic Research
  • Monthly Search Volume US – Number of people that search for specific keywords every month in US alone. This keyword analysis was created primarily for US markets to show the potential traffic and leads.
  • CPC – Cost per click in Google AdWords is a paid search campaign. Included for the reference to show competitiveness, budget your competitors have, and how valuable these keywords are for them.
  • Potential monthly traffic – Approximately 60% of those searching for a term will click on first page of Google search results. Estimated number of visitors you will get when you rank on the first page of Google.
  • Potential Leads – Leads you can generate based on the average 3% website conversion rate for B2B and IT companies. Sites with inexpensive products and services can see a 10% conversion rate. 

Based on the keyword analysis there is an opportunity to generate 30 monthly leads from organic search once you start ranking on the first page of Google. By taking an industry average leads to sales conversion rate of 30%, you can generate 9 sales.

2. SEO Audits and Technical SEO

I use Google Analytics and Search Console data, and various SEO tools like Ahrefs, SEMRush, SEO audit, Content Analysis. Also, I check your SEO strategy, keyword mapping, On-pages setup and optimization, technical SEO like sitemaps, and previous SEO activities. Create an action item list to improve your on-site SEO, internal linking, website loading speed, fix 404, and crawling errors. As a result, there is nothing to be a problem from ranking on the first page of Google.

get on the first page of google with seo tools

The most common issues that are usually revealed by SEO analysis are: 

  • Homepage and internal or other pages are not optimized for keywords you targeting. Instead of including 3–6 mentions of relevant keywords like “data analytics solutions,” the copy on-page uses “data index,” “data science,”. Similarly, all of these are very generic, irrelevant or searched by students and scientists.
  • Landing pages are over-optimized and include keywords for multiple very competitive topics. Don’t mix all of the keywords on one page. However, you will not be able to rank for any of them on the first page of Google. Each keyword will require a separate landing page with at least 800 words of content. 
  • Slow loading website speed decreases your conversion rate and even organic ranking on Google. Installing caching plugins, optimizing image sizes, removing unused plugins, and switching to faster hosting can solve this problem.
  • Technical errors on the site such as 500 and 404 errors, lack of SSL certificate, https and http mixed content, broken outbound links, misconfigured robot.txt, structured data, .xml sitemaps and .htaccess files can block Google crawlers and lead to errors in search index, in other words your website is not visible to Google. I will create a list of issues and I will fix it to ensure your website is configured properly. 

3. SEO Strategy Planning and Implementation

Create a 12-month strategy plan that includes SEO activities for optimizing your key landing pages. Creating content for your blog, building backlinks of your website, and monitoring improvements Google Analytics and Search Console.

seo strategy to get on the 1st page

A cloud computing company wanted to rank on the first page of Google for all related keywords. They had a monthly budget of $1,000 to spend on organic SEO, which allowed us to target highly competitive high traffic keywords like “cloud computing”. Also, I write and publish blog posts on every possible topic, optimizing long-tail keywords.

  • I selected 3 pages and found relevant keywords for each of the pages. 
  • Each page received 10 – 20 backlinks per month. 
  • I planned, wrote, and posted 5 blog posts per month covering a variety of topics from trends to best practices.
  • Created a content calendar for the year. I brainstormed ideas and topics for 10 – 30 posts that could drive organic traffic and convert them into customers.
  • I executed content marketing and link building activities for 18 months to achieve first-page of google ranking. 

4. On-Page Optimization

I will create and optimize pages for keywords identified during the keywords insertion & analysis stage. Homepage, product pages, blog posts will be optimized for keywords with search traffic where possible to ensure the content on these pages is answering your questions and get the ranking on the first page of Google.

on page optimization

Company that offers data management services wants to optimize and rank for multiple keywords like “data migration software,” “data extraction software,” “data capture solutions,” “insurance claims,” and “digital transformation solutions.” Close variants for “Data migration software” would be “data migration tools,” “enterprise data migration,” “enterprise data migration software,” “data migration solutions,” “data migration solutions.” I also expanded the content on each page from 300 words to 800 words by adding FAQs, examples, and relevant case studies. 

5. Content Marketing With Blog Posts and Editorial Calendar

I will work with your team especially with content writers to incorporate SEO into your content creation. Including blog post, press releases, and other web assets that consist of contents. Many companies and writers are missing important elements of SEO and content marketing strategy, focusing on keywords with no traffic and not optimizing content after it gets published. Every content that you post on your website has an opportunity to rank on the first page. It will also improve internal linking and help your main service/product pages rank higher. I’ll write and provide one blog post for your website every month as part of the SEO program. If you don’t have a content writing team or would prefer that I write more blog posts for your site, then you can add on additional posts for a fee. 


By analyzing your industry and your prospect’s intent and behavior on the website, I will identify the Informational type of keywords—searches performed to answer questions or learn something. For example, a content calendar for the topic of data analytics will include the following keywords and suggested blog post titles:     

suggested blogs for seo

I work with writers throughout the entire process from forming an idea, writing an outline, reviewing the first draft, and approving the final version. There are a few important steps that I follow to ensure that blog posts rank on the first page and drive traffic and generate leads. 

Content Marketing With Blog Posts Optimization

  • Check posts and articles on the first page of Google and analyze structure, flow, length, and readability score. The goal is to analyze the content and to write a quality content that will rank on page 1-3 of Google after publishing.
  • Create a content with clear structure which include such us: intro, challenges, solutions, conclusion. The blog posts should be non-promotional. 
  • Put at least subhead every 300 words, no more than 150 words per paragraph or more than 20 words per sentence. Ideal post length is 1000 to 2000 words.
  • To make sure I use universal terms and definitions, i.e., “data/automated classification” instead of “intelligent classification,” “data capture” instead of “content capture.” I use Google keyword planner tool and to check for keyword trends and popularity.
  • Add outbound links to publications to prove claims and points I make in the post.
  • Put or add at least 1 – 3 forms of media like images, charts, video to make it more engaging.
  • After Publishing – Better to run social promotions campaign on social media networks.
  • Create internal links from pages to other pages of your website.
  • Create high-quality backlinks from other sites and media sources. This is the most important step in ranking your post on the first page of Google.
  • Track blog post keywords ranking, impressions and traffic improvements while it moves from page 5 to page 1 of Google, usually within 2 – 6 months.  

Blog posts usually covert at 0.5% – 1% rate and can be a very effective way of generating targeted traffic. Also it improves your brand awareness, growing your remarketing lists, and generating leads.

6. Link Building and Brand Mentions on High-Authority Publications

As of 2020, link building is still the most important factor in keyword ranking, growing your traffic, and improving your lead generation with SEO. I take a content-marketing approach for link building, acquiring brand mentions for my clients through content publication on high-authority sites and media resources, focusing on quality and relevance.

suggested blogs for seo

I have worked and have relationships with hundreds of publishers, and use tools, processes, and frameworks to streamline and optimize the process of outreach, writing, and link placement. In essence, I create awesome content that publishers want to publish. Within that content, I include facts, claims, and other statements with reference links. I’ll link to your site in this way, from the body of the article (and sometimes in the author byline). The publisher gets awesome content for their audience, and you get great, contextual links and brand mentions from real, quality publishers. 

I aim to get 5 – 10 posts with do-follow links every month on relevant sites with organic traffic and quality backlink profiles (I do a background check for every website on Most sites charge US $50 – $100 editorial fee just for one publication, plus it takes a few hours for outreach, communication with the editor, topics research, and content writing. My SEO packages cover a complete content ideation, creation, publication, and any associated fees. 

Link Building Process to get website rank on the first page of Google

Link Building Process & Time Frame: You can review and approve or request changes for each keyword, topic, outline, and final copy. Upon review and approval of keywords and titles, my writers will write the full article, referencing your website as a resource within the piece, this is how I’ll link to you within the article. I generally don’t use exact keyword match anchor texts and you can have full review and approval of the final articles before we submit them for publication.

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of that process:

  • I provide the keywords, topics, and sites I will publish on. 
  • You can check & review and also approve the topics and sites, but most clients prefer to leave it to me. 
  • My team writes the full articles, sources images, and adds 2 – 3 additional outbound links to make articles credible and less promotional.
  • I submit the articles to the publishers and provide the final URL to you in the monthly report. 

On average, it takes 2 – 5 weeks to publish an article once we approve keywords and start writing.

Conclusion: How get on the first page of Google

By implementing these SEO strategies, you can significantly increase your chances of ranking higher on Google. For more insights on how rankings work, explore our guide on first-page rankings.

In conclusion, having a website is very important, but it’s the rankings and more importantly to make your website visible in search results. That’s why SEO Experts doing their best job to get websites rank on the First Page of Google. Hire me now or check my SEO Packages that suites to your SEO services needs.

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