
Last Updated on July 18, 2024 by Richard Martin Linga

Having a strong online presence is important today. So, I used the “add me to search” feature to create my Google People Card. This tool helps highlight my personal and professional details. In other words, it makes it easier for people to find me online. Above all, setting up this card is simple. In addition, I’ll guide you through the steps, share tips for optimizing your card, and explain how it can boost your visibility. Therefore, let’s get started on making your online presence stronger with SEO Specialist Philippines.

Google People Card

Creating a Google People Card with the “add me to search” feature is easy. So, you start by signing into your Google account. After that, search for “add me to search” and click “Get started.” In other words, follow the prompts to fill out your card with your name, job title, and other details. Therefore, ensure to use keywords naturally and keep your information updated. Above all, this helps improve your online presence and makes it easier for people to find you. For professional help, consider using our SEO Services in the Philippines.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a People Card

Creating a Google People Card with the “add me to search” feature is simple. Here is a detailed guide to help you:

Step 1: Setting Up Your Google Account

  • Ensure your Google account is active.
  • Check that Web & App Activity is turned on.

Step 2: Accessing “Add Me to Search”

  • Open Google on your mobile device.
  • Type “add me to search.”
  • Tap on “Get started.”
add me to search

Step 3: Filling Out Your People Card

  • Add your name, location, and job title.
  • Include a brief description of yourself.
  • Link your social media profiles.
  • Double-check for accuracy.
create profile

Below, you’ll see a section of additional information that below to required fields. It is up to you if you want to.

The screenshot below is all optional. You add as many as you want.

social profile

Google will let you add links to the following social media profiles:

(I linked my social media profiles to my People Card.)

If you more, you can add it all manually.

Except for 2 fields: The Email and Phone Number

It will be automatically updated based on your information with your Google account.

You are not able to change the email or phone number on your people card without changing it in your Google account.

Of course, you could choose to not display those fields at all if you’d prefer not to reveal your email or phone number.

Step 4: Optimizing Your People Card

  • Use keywords effectively.
  • Maintain a keyword density of 0.9%.
  • Update your information regularly.
people card with add me to search query

That’s all there is to it.

A NOTE: Google’s people cards will only be visible to searchers in India.

There are no details from Google yet when this feature will make its way to other countries. But if you set one up your own people card it will be great and now you’ll be ready for a wider rollout.

General Guidelines For Google People Cards

Creating a “add me to search” Google People Card requires following some key guidelines. Keeping your card updated is crucial for maintaining visibility. Also, it’s important to use only personal information and avoid harmful content.

Keeping Your Card Updated

  • Regular updates are essential.
  • So, keep your information current.
  • Google may stop showing inactive cards.

Editing Personal Information

  • Edit details anytime.
  • Changes appear in hours.
  • Include more info if not shown.

Important Tips

  • Use only personal info.
  • Add job title and other details.
  • Avoid ads like “only” or “cheapest.”
  • Be respectful, no harmful content.


  • Follow guidelines to avoid removal.
  • Respect others’ rights.
  • Avoid derogatory remarks.

Optimizing Your People Card for SEO

To optimize your “add me to search” People Card, start by using the keyword naturally throughout your card. Include it in your name, job title, and bio. This helps Google recognize and display your card. Aim for a keyword density of 0.9%, so mention “add me to search” appropriately but sparingly.

Next, link your social media profiles to your People Card. After that, make sure all the information is up-to-date. For instance, regularly check and update your job title and bio. Above all, use simple language to ensure your card is easy to read. This improves your online presence and helps people find you easily. For additional support, consider our affordable SEO services in the Philippines to further enhance your visibility.

Benefits of Having a Google People Card

Improved Online Visibility

Creating a “add me to search” People Card helps you become more visible online. So, your personal and professional details appear directly in Google search results. Therefore, people can find you easily.

Personal Branding

A People Card enhances your personal brand. In other words, it allows you to present yourself professionally. For instance, you can showcase your job title, bio, and social media links.

Easy Updates

You can update your People Card anytime. After that, the changes will reflect quickly in search results. This means your information is always current.

Credibility and Trust

Having a Google People Card builds credibility. Above all, it shows that you are a real person with verified information. This boosts trust with potential clients or employers.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Display Issues

  • If your “add me to search” card isn’t showing, wait a few hours. Sometimes, it takes time to update.
  • Make sure your details are correct and complete.

Incorrect Information

  • Double-check all information. Errors can prevent your card from appearing.
  • Update and verify details often.

Card Removal

  • Google may remove inactive cards. So, keep your card updated.
  • Avoid using promotional or offensive content.

Verification Problems

  • Ensure your Google account settings are correct.
  • Also, link your social media for verification.

Contact Support

  • If issues persist, contact Google support for help.

Examples of Successful Google People Cards

Personal Branding

One example of a successful “add me to search” People Card is a professional who includes their name, job title, and a concise bio. So, they ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date. Therefore, this makes it easy for people to find them online.

Detailed Information

Another effective card includes detailed information about their career. For instance, they add links to their social media profiles, website, and contact details. In other words, this provides a comprehensive view of their professional life.

Consistent Updates

Successful cards are updated regularly. After that, any changes in job title, location, or bio are reflected quickly. Above all, keeping the card current helps maintain visibility.

Clear and Simple Language

Using clear and simple language is crucial. So, avoid technical jargon to make the card accessible. Also, use short sentences and paragraphs to ensure readability.

Verified Information

Ensuring all information is verified builds trust. Therefore, linking to social media profiles and a personal website helps Google verify the card, increasing its chances of appearing in search results.

Advanced Tips for Google People Card

Use High-Quality Images

Including a high-quality image makes your “add me to search” card more appealing. So, choose a professional photo. In other words, it should be clear and relevant.

Add Detailed Information

Provide as much detail as possible. For instance, include your education, work experience, and notable achievements. Therefore, this helps people understand your background better.

Utilize Social Media Links

Link all your social media profiles. After that, ensure they are active and up-to-date. Above all, this adds credibility to your card.

Regular Updates

Update your information regularly. So, whenever there’s a change in your job title or achievements, reflect it on your card. This keeps your profile current.

Include Keywords Naturally

Use “add me to search” naturally in your card. Therefore, mention it in your bio, job title, and descriptions. This improves your card’s visibility in search results.

Monitor Performance

Check how your card is performing. For instance, use Google Analytics to see how often it appears in searches. Therefore, adjust your information based on the data to improve visibility.

Key Takeaway

Creating a Google People Card with the “add me to search” feature boosts your online visibility. So, ensure your information is accurate and updated. Use simple words and short sentences. In other words, make it easy to read. Also, include relevant keywords naturally. Therefore, regularly updating your card helps maintain its effectiveness. Above all, this tool helps people find you easily online. For instance, linking your social media profiles adds credibility. If you need help, hire me for support.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it free to add myself to Google Search People Card?

Yes, adding yourself to Google Search People Card is absolutely free. It’s a great way to increase your online visibility without any cost.

Can I add multiple Google Search People Cards for different professions?

Currently, Google allows only one Google Search People Card per individual. However, you can showcase different aspects of your expertise within a single card.

How long does it take for my Google Search People Card to appear in search results?

Google aims to display your Google Search People Card as soon as possible, but the exact timing may vary. It’s recommended to allow a few days for your card to become visible in search results.

Can anyone see my contact information on my Google Search People Card?

By default, only the essential contact details you choose to display will be visible on your Google Search People Card. You have control over which information is shared with the public.

Can I remove or edit my Google Search People Card after publishing it?

Yes, you can edit or remove your Google Search People Card at any time. Simply revisit the “Add me to Search” page, make the necessary changes, and republish your card.

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